Monday, October 26, 2009

Jesus heals a man brought through the roof!

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for this new day. Thank you for the cross where Jesus died for our sins so we can talk to you again. In Jesus name, Amen.

SONGS: Trust and Obey, Praise Him, Thy Word have i hid in my heart

BIBLE STORY: Mark 2: 1-12

Let’s look up today’s story in God’s Word the Bible so we can see the truths Jesus told us. Today we are going to hear about a man and his friends who believed in Jesus and trusted Him even though it seemed like they would not be able to reach Him.
Have you ever been in a really crowded room? When you are squashed or there are lots of people. On this day Jesus was talking in a room and a lot of people were all squashed into one room. A man who could not walk and his friends could not bring him in to see Jesus as there was no space... What did they do?

Read Rooftop Miracle taken from the Word & Song Bible.


1. Where was Jesus in our Bible story? (In a house)
2. Was there a lot of room in the house? (No, it was very crowded.)
3. What was wrong with the man in our Bible story? (He was sick – he could not walk)
4. What did his friends do? (They were carrying their friend to Jesus. When they could not get in the door, they made a hole in the roof and lowered their friend down.)
5. What did they ask Jesus to do? (Heal their friend)
6. Did Jesus heal the man? (Yes!”)

MEMORY VERSE – Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

CRAFT – A man lowered through the roof of a house!

Materials needed – box of some sort with a lid (similar to a box obtained from a bakery), craft knife, pipe cleaners, punch, cotton wool, cutout shape of a man.

· Take the box and cut a hole in the lid of the box in the shape of a rectangle.
· Trim the edges of the part that has been cut out so it will fit smoothly into your hole.
· Turn the card around so the white side is face down, then punch one hole at each corner giving you four holes.
· Use the pipe cleaner to thread through the holes on either side, giving you a little bed with handles.
· Take some cotton wool and glue it at the one end of the bed for a “pillow”.
· Use the shape of the man to be coloured in by the children and glue it on and lower him down into the house. Older children may decorate the house outside. Depending on the age of the children they can help with each stage.

Respect is Key!


Chapter 16 – Proverbs 31: 23

‘Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.’

Prince charming arrives ... tall, dark and handsome with a gift of beautiful blooms and a box of chocolates/ a bottle of perfume/ expensive jewellery (choose whichever one suits you) and then the happy couple set off for a romantic dinner on their own. Romantic movies portray this so-called ideal all the time and hence we think that there are people who live like this permanently with no difficulties or painful circumstances. As a result scores of disgruntled wives go through life believing that anything less than the above makes for unfulfilled expectations.
Have we ever thought that we have our own princes, that your husband is your prince given to you by God and he is the one whom you have a wonderful oporunity to serve and love this whoel life through. Whatever happens in your marriage is ordained by God, is not this the time to take stock of how you have been progressing and see where you could improve? We are already 23 verses into our study and how amazing is the power of God’s Word to change us.


The Proverbs 31 woman’s husband is also described in this manner in the NIV:
Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.’
This man is able to focus on delivering righteous judgement as he is looked after and provided for at home in a respectful way. How easy it can sometimes be to allow the respect of our husbands to slip as we fall into a rut of nagging and complaining. This should not be the case.
An excerpt from a sermon John Piper gave, brings some light as to why verse 23 was included in an acrostic poem about an incredibly godly woman, who fears and loves the Lord.

“Verse 23 seems out of place in a song of praise to women. It says, ‘Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.’ How is it that a word of praise to the wife who fears the Lord? Proverbs 12:4 gives the answer: ‘A good wife is the crown of her husband, but she who brings shame is rottenness of his bones.’ A wife who fears the Lord increases the esteem of her husband at the gates of the city. In twelve and a half years of marriage my wife has never done or said anything in public that would have caused me to be ashamed. She has my absolute trust as a representative of what our family stands for. There is no place i might go where i would be ashamed to take Noel. She is a crown to my head and a signet ring on my right hand. She is for me 100% because she is a woman who fears the Lord. And I pray that every wife here will, under God, give that kind of support to your husband.”

This woman’s husband is given a tribute due to her hard work and dedication. But the opposite can also be true, lets look at another Scripture which also sheds some light on a wife who si continually arguing with her husband and those around her:

‘A continual dropping in a very rainy day and a contentioius woman are alike.’ Proverbs
Manners and Customs of the Bible explains it as follows:

Reference is undoubtedly made here to the frequent leaks to which the flat roofs of Eastern houses are subject. Having merely a covering of earth, rolled smooth and hard, a heacy rain will soon succeed in fidning its way through, when the drops will fall into the room below. Thus making it uncomfortable, if not actually uninhabitable. Travellers are frequently disturbed in this manner during violent storms, sometimes being obliged to change their quarters in the middle of the night.’

Wow, I cringe at the thought that at times I may have made my husband want to ‘change beds because the leak was so bad’. A man who is in a home with a woman like this will not be respected in the gates but rather shamed, embarrassed and possibly even resentful. As an aside I love the fact that my husband loves coming home from work to his growing family. It can be so easy to want to offload as soon as he walks through the door and sometimes I do! But the most God-honouring thing to do is to get the children together to go and meet him with a kiss and a hug and welcome him into the home. Yes your day was probably difficult, yes there will be challenges still there in the morning but the Lord wants us to not nag nor be sour with our husbands but rather this study has really shown me the effect I can have on my home for the worse or the better. We can show respect for our husbands in the following ways:

Not to belittle him in private or public, pray for him, if he returns from work or being out later than usual still meet him at the door and warm his supper up, do not complain about your budget and how there is no money – rather thank him for his hard work and trust God to provide. A man who is continually worrying about a wife who is grumbling about finances will not be ‘known in the gates’.

Even when your husband is not paying attention we are still called to lay down our lives for them and he will then be raised up in his position and be able to ‘wear his wife as a crown’ becaseu she does him good (v 12) and he can fully trust her (v 11). She is not spiteful or a nag (v 12), she is mindful of family needs (v 14-15) and thinks for herself while still being submissive (v 16). This woman does not live by her emotions as we said above she does not offload as soon as her husband walks in the door! Her husband is touched by her love and compassion for others too (v 20) and yet at the end of the day she has time and energy for her husband. As Carolyn Mahaney says your husband will not be unhappy with peanut butter sandwiches for supper if it means you are rested and energetic enough for dessert J.

So we see that this verse about her husband is not misplaced at all. When we believe the Proverbs 31 passage and act in faith we build up our husbands and we fall more in love with our earthly prince charmings’ and more importantly our Heavenly King.

Ruth 4:11 ‘All the people in the court, and the elders, said “We are witnesses. May the Lord make the woman who is coming into your home like Rached and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and may you achieve wealth in Ephrathah and become famous in Bethlehem. (NASB)

This is a poem that my mom read to me a while ago from Streams in the Desert:

It isn’t the things you do dear,
It’s the thing you leave undone,
Which gives you the bitter heartache
At the setting of the sun.
The tender word unspoken,
The letter you did not write,
The flower you might have sent, dear,
Are your haunting ghosts at night.

The stone you might have lifted
Out of your brother’s way
The bit of heartsome counsel
You were hurried to much to say.
The loving touch of the hand, dear,
The gentle and winsome tone,
That you had no time or thought for,
With troubles enough of your own.

These little acts of kidness,
So easily out of mind,
These chances to be angels,
Which even mortals find
They come in night and silence,
Each chill reproachful wraith,
When hope is faint and flagging,
And a blight has been dropped on faith.

For life is all too short, dear,
And sorrow is all too great,
To suffer our slow compassion
That tarries until too late.
And it’s not the things you do, dear,
Its the things you leave undone,
Which gives you the bitter heartache,
At the setting of the sun. Adelaide Proctor

Written by
Ruth Phillips

(My apologies for the delay in posting this)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beautiful Array

"She makes herself coverings of tapestry,
her clothing is silk and purple."
Proverbs 31:22

"She makes herself covering of tapestry"

This is in reference to what we would call, "Decorating our homes".

We are strange creatures! Typically we are not entirely satisfied by our current situations. We tend to dream about the future. In our minds we dream about the ideal home we will 'one day' live in. We imagine the delightful decor and furnishings on the inside and the beautiful landscaped gardens adorned with a carpet of brightly coloured blooms. We think, "One day when I am old enough, or when I get married or when we have the money I will make..."

We must realise that most of these places and ideas that we dream up do not simply appear without some hard work and, lots of experience and knowledge gained through learning by trial and error!

Most women delight in making a home beautiful to live in. The mistake we can often make is to wait until we move into that beautiful ideal home before we set our hands to work. So if you are living in someone's garage, a one room flat, renting or living in a small place. Do not be discouraged, set your hands to work and make your current living space beautiful. Gain experience, test out different decor techniques and create a lovely place to live in. Make the most of what the Lord has entrusted you with TODAY. Whatever your living circumstance. Be diligent, carefully and lovingly look after your place called home. (Your temporary place, as your real home is with the Lord!)

By no means spend a fortune on decor!!!!!!! Be wise and use what you have. The satisfaction of making something out of something else is good. This woman is wise and is always on the look out of ways in which she can make her home homely. Let us look at just one example. Have you seen the price of duvet covers in the shops? Exorbitant! You could wait for a sale at you local material shop and buy some lovely material and make your own for half the price!

I also know people who make their homes their god! A house must be placed in its correct context. It is provided by God for shelter and for a means of hospitality. We are to look after the home that God has provided us and place your home decorating in its correct place on your priority list. It is the Lords home so look after it properly.

"Her clothing is silk and purple"

What I have said on the decor issue applies to your wardrobe! It is true that the care and the way that you wear your clothing is important. A creased T-shirt, torn jeans and muddy shoes should rather be a choice for a session of gardening rather than visiting a friend or even greeting your husband after his long day of work in the office!

Let us get to the "hard to answer question". How should a godly, elegant, modest woman dress?

*Who and why?

We need to first establish who invented clothing and what was the purpose. The answer to that can be found in Genesis chapter 3. God invented clothing. Why? Adam and Eve sinned and God made clothes for them to wear to cover their nakedness. Clothes are meant to cover us up and not to expose our bodies.

*How are we to dress?

We have been bought with a price. The Lord has saved us and forgiven us through the blood of His Son Jesus Christ on the cross. Our bodies belong to Him, therefore we are to dress to please the Lord.


Your wardrobe doest not have to consist of the most expensive clothing your bank can afford! The town in which you live on or even the culture you live in could greatly affect how one would answer this question! I used to live in a small town in Zambia. Our choice for buying clothes were either from a small PEP store or the local market. We had to work with what we had.


Modesty is an important factor. Many clothes are not modest but are accepted as the 'norm'. I do not agree with the notion that a woman needs to dress according to what is in fashion! We need to break out of that mind set, it is actually ok to wear last seasons fashion! Do not look to mans choice of clothing but rather your conscience. The fashion trends actually lean towards enhancing sexuality by getting people to undress in public. This is horrific. We have been brainwashed to be persuaded to dress as pagans. Walking around half naked defying God and His purpose for clothing.

Gender distinction?

The Feminist movement has resulted in woman neglecting their God given role and has persuaded to take on a role on a man. Which clearly is mocking God. The horrific consequences can be seen today. Often a woman who demands to take on a mans role in life can be spotted by their clothing. It is important to dress femininely.

Heart attitude?

What ever is in your heart will be reflected by what you say and how you act. The way in which you dress will reflect your heart attitude. Go before the Lord and examine your heart. Always check your motives for liking particular clothing and wanting to wear them.

Many times my husband sends me out to the shops to buy clothing and I often come home empty handed! I should now realise that he should be sending me to the material shop to buy a handful of patterns and material instead! I am not saying that you must never buy clothes from the shops. Just be wise in your purchases.

Why should our homes and the way that we dress be beautiful?

- It reflects our stewardship of our homes and clothes

- Reflects our heart attitudes.

- We are ambassadors for Christ. When an ambassador is representing their country in a strange land, the appearance of their homes and clothing are important.

We do know that this Godly woman also realises that it is not the adorning of the body which is important but the condition of her heart which is of the upmost importance!

Some important verses to look at regarding modesty, Please write them out:

*1 Corinthians 6:19-20

*1 Corinthians 10:31

*Proverbs 11:22

*1 Timothy 2:9-10

*Romans 14:8

*Romans 14:19-21

*Romans 12:2

*Proverbs 31:30

Recommended Reading:

*The Look, does God really care what I where? by Nancy Leigh Demoss

*Christian modesty and the Public undressing of America by Jeff Pollard

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jesus Calls the Disciples - Kids Corner

Opening Prayer:

Thank you Lord for giving us another day to learn more about you. Forgive us for sinning against you. Please give us new hearts and ears to hear you. Amen.


1. I will make you fishers of men

2. He is Lord


Jesus calls the Disciples


Matthew 4:18-22. Matthew 9:9. Mark 1:16-20.


Picture in "Word and Song Bible" & "The bible for toddlers". A calling trumpet (From Activity).

(Show picture) Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (Who is called Peter) and Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea because they were fishermen catching fish. Jesus said to them, (Use trumpet) "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed Jesus!

They carried on walking and they saw two other brothers, James and John. They were in a boat mending nets with their father who's name was Zebedee. Jesus called them. (Use trumpet) Come and follow me. James and John immediately left their father, the hired servants and the boat and followed Jesus!

(Show picture) Jesus came across a man named Matthew. He was a tax collector. He was sitting at the tax booth. Jesus said to him, (Use trumpet) "Follow me." And Matthew stood up and followed Jesus

Jesus called 12 disciples. They were (Use trumpet) Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another James Thaddaeus, Simon and Judas. These twelve men became very close friends with Jesus. Jesus taught them many things which are recorded in the bible.

Jesus called the twelve disciples to follow him. Jesus also calls you to follow him. He calls you to repent and be obedient to Gods word.


1. Who did the calling?

2. What did Jesus tell the men to do?

3. How quickly did the men leave what they were doing to follow Jesus?

4. Does the Lord call us to follow Him?

Memory verse:

"Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Activity: Making fishers trumpets

Need: *1 Long cardboard roll for each child (2 toilet paper rolls cellotaped together)

* Coloured paper

* Glue

1. Cover roll in one coloured sheet of paper.

2. Cut out lots of fish shapes.

3. Stick the fishes on the rolls.

4. Get the children to call to one another using their "Trumpets".

Lesson done by Natalie Rogers

Friday, July 31, 2009

Boys painting with cut veggies

Blessed to Give

"She opens her hand to the poor and

reaches out her hands to the needy."

Proverbs 31:20

Who is internationally recognized as being very kind and generous towards the poor and the needy? Is there someone you know personally who is very generous towards others?

Did Mother Theresa, Princes Diana or even Opera come to mind for the reputation of being very kind? Was it your mother, sister, mother-in-law, friend, neighbor or someone at church that you thought about?

Let us get to the bottom of this verse to find out who is practicing Biblical kindness to the poor and needy and lets make sure that we are being kind to others in the way that the Lord will have us do.

Dissecting the verse:

Proverbs 31:20 is a very straightforward verse. It means simply what it states. The Godly woman will be found giving to the poor. I would like to look at the following two words: "open" and "reaches".

"OPEN": This is stated in the dictionary as being frank and communicative and not given to deception or concealment. To apply this to our verse, our hand must be open, not closed. Our hand must give without wanting anything in return. Our open hand must be an honest one, not one with alterer motives. When opening our hand, we do it quietly as we see the need arise, we are not clapping them together to be noticed.

"REACHES": This is stated in the dictionary to stretch out an arm in a specific direction. The act of stretching your arm in a specific direction means that there is a planned action to reach for something specific. The action of reaching is done over a distance, there is required thought, action and effort involved.

From our study of the Proverbs 31 woman we have noticed that the woman does ensure that her family has had their needs met. This verse would be an over flow from meeting her families needs to meeting the needs of the poor.

After meditating on this verse, I have discovered that there are two groups of people that fall under the poor and needy category. They are Christians and people who do not know Christ as their saviour.


Let us read about what Jesus said will happen at the final judgement:

And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on his right, "Come you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me." Then the righteous will answer him saying, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?" And the King will answer them, "Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

Matthew 25:33-40

We can see so much from these verses. Firstly, I must tackle the first issue.

Salvation by works

Salvation is a gift from God. It can not be earned in any way at all. We also do not keep our salvation by works. From Matthew 25, we see that the sheep were not amazed by the fact that they were put on the Kings right side. Why? They had received assurance of their salvation before hand. It is the fact that the King calls them blessed because of their good works. This shows that the sheep were not doing the good works in order to be saved but were doing the good works as a fruit of being saved. This clearly shows their motive for good works were not to earn salvation.

What are the good works that are commend by the King?

1. "I was hungry and you gave me food" Matthew 25:35 (food to the hungry)

2. "I was thirsty and you gave me drink" Matthew 25:35 (drink to the thristy)

3. "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" Matthew 25:35

(open person & home)

4. "I was naked and you clothed me" Matthew 25:36 (clothes, blankets etc)

5. "I was sick and you visited me" Matthew 25:36 (visiting and medicine)

6. "I was in prison and you came to me" Matthew 25:36

(supporting the persecuted for the faith)

Why we must do the above mentioned acts of charity

The most important reason is that Christ has carried out the exact things for us! Let have a look at these amazing parrelles to the points in the previous paragraph:

1. We were hungry and Jesus said "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry" (John 6:35)

2. We were thirsty and Jesus said "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink." (John 7:37)

3. We were strangers and it is written "Once you were alienated from God and were enemies in your minds because of you evil behavior. But now he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death" (Col. 1:21-22a)

4. We were dressed in filthy rags (sin) and the Lord clothed us in robes of righteousness, "Clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom 13:14)

5. Our souls were sick with sin, Jesus came, "Healing every disease and sickness" (Matt. 4:23).

6. Jesus frees us from sin, sets the captive free, "proclaim freedom for the prisoners" (Luke 4:18)

Who must we be opening our hands to and reaching out to?

Our question is answered in the following passage:

".....Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of

the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

Matthew 25:40

It is clear that we need to open and reach out to those who are in need, our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Should we then show kindness towards the unsaved poor and needy people? Of course! The motive will be slightly different in this case. You should use the opportunity of helping the poor and needy to share the gospel with them. This is very important. Many people do "good things", such as Opera, but it is all pointless in eternity as the gospel is not given. Do not misunderstand me, the poor and needy need help physically, but their eternal destination is far more important. On the flip side, we should not give the gospel and leave someone to freeze in the cold or starve to death. Physical needs must be seen to as well.


I would say that the godly woman in Proverbs 31:20 would be showing kindness to her brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need. She would be building relationships with them to discover physical needs and also spiritual needs and would be by Gods Grace seeing that the needs are met. She would also be reaching out to strangers as she understands the need for them to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet their physical needs.


Let a widow be enrolled if she is not less than sixty years of age, having been the wife of one husband, and having a reputation for good works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has cared for the afflicted and has devoted herself to every good work.

1 Timothy 4:9,10

This verse show how important it is to be involved in helping the poor and needy. If you find yourself as a widow with no family left, the church would then see to your care. See the qualifications for a godly woman in this verse:

*having a reputation for good works

*brought up children

*shown hospitality

*washed the feet of the saints

*cared for the afflicted

*devotion to good works


Let us be woman who are open handed to the poor and who reach out to the needy. Who are concerned not only for physical well being but also for others spiritually. Let our testimony of a devotion to good works cause others to praise the Lord and cause them to give thanks. Let our good works cause people to look past us and to our saviour, Jesus Christ. Remember that we are reflecting how the Lord has served us and we are to serve others to please the Lord and not men.


1. This womans heart is involved too. The verbs "extends" and "reaches out" suggests that her giving stretches as far as her means will allow. What do these scriptures tell us that God desires to be at the core of our hearts?

-Deuteronomy 15:7-8

-Proverbs 11:25

-Proverbs 19:17

-Proverbs 22:9

-Micah 6:8

2. How do these "Sisters in Mercy" encourage you to a greater heart of kindness and compassion?

-The widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16)

-The Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4:8-11)

-Dorcas (Acts 9:36-39)

Written By Natalie Rogers

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Proverbs 31: 19

She stretches out her hand to the distaff, and her hand holds the spindle.’

A Spinster by trade
As I read and re-read this verse two words struck me as being of importance, namely ‘stretches’ and ‘holds’. This woman knows how to apply herself to a task that is important and has the diligence to see it through even if it has to be done at night. She is not loathe to do what needs to be done even though the work is not necessarily interesting or noteworthy to others.
In reading up more on this topic I came across the reminder that a woman could be called a ‘distaff’ just like in modern times we know of a spinster. A spinster! That word generally conjures up terrible images of a grumpy old woman who never smiles and sits at home unmarried, with no children and only a bitter existence. Why should a woman who spent her time weaving and spinning be known only in a negative context? Did not this work need special effort and dedication for the benefit of others? The answer can be found in what we discussed last week where we again realised how secular reasoning has so infiltrated our minds that we really have to go before God and ask Him to mould us anew. Being a spinster or stretching out to the distaff was not a bad occupation and we only have this picture of a spinster because people have used the word to categorise a woman who has not gone out and taken what she wants by force but has rather decided to stay at home and be useful doing something with her hands.
Acts 9 tells us of another lady who made clothing or who could be called a spinster – Tabitha or Dorcas meaning Gazelle – the bible tells us ‘she was full of good works and acts of charity. .. The widows stood beside him (Peter) weeping showing tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them.’ (Acts 9:36; 43). This does not sound like the way we would describe a spinster in modern times. People were mourning her death and praised her for the things she did and the items of clothing she had made to provide for those in need. It would seem in God’s eyes a spinster or a woman who stretches out her hand to the distaff was doing something useful and today we should be reminded that it is God’s word that tells us what is true and important and therefore we should seek His good pleasure and not copy the world’s ideas.

Drudgery or Delight?
A few weeks ago we were staying in Sandton and we visited the Bryanston Organic Market and there was a man busy spinning thread, I had thought it was a lost art but he said there are still people who are being trained. It was beautiful to watch and obviously since he is so skilled at what he does, he truly made it look easy. Apart from making it look easy, something else struck me as I watched his skilful hands – his work was monotonous. Over and over while he sat there he was doing the same thing and would continue long after we had left watching him. This illustration made me think of monotony in my own life. How many times will I change nappies, read stories, bath our children, prepare meals, and attend to administration issues? Probably more time than I can count will be spent doing these things and yet it is what most women complain about. How is the Proverbs 31 woman different? There is no hint of complaint or a disparaging attitude as she takes real joy in what she is doing and perseveres so that she can see the fruit of her endeavours.

Before being converted I had many aspirations as to what legal firm I would be working in, how much money I would eventually make and what I would spend the money on. Let me be honest, in my selfish ways, the prospect of marriage and children was a very distant if not inconceivable idea. I had bought into the lie that being a stay-at-home mother would never be my lot in life and the idea of homeschooling would have been a nightmare. But then God had mercy on me. Now I belong to Him I don’t have to buy into those lies anymore. Being a wife and mother does not mean drudgery. I believe that this is another way that, we as Christian women, have bought into society’s thinking is in this area. If we believe this we are not really applying biblical thinking and a biblical worldview in all aspects of our lives. Most women of this day and age complain about their many responsibilities and the tediousness of being at home with children. Some women will say they admire those who stay at home and look after children yet they believe they could never do it. Should that read don’t want to instead of could not?
God truly changes us and now we can be committed to doing those things which we know are truly fulfilling and will build families for years to come. If we look around us we will see that the family unit is under great attack. We have a divorce rate that is higher than at any other time in history, homosexual families with children and teenagers who are being left to their own devices. Obeying God’s Word must come before any other kind of giftedness that we have and in doing so we can ask God to show us how we can use our gifts and talents at home for the benefit of our families. This will in turn mean husbands who are able to be the men God wants them to be with wives who manage their homes and help raise children in a supportive atmosphere.

The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down. Proverbs 14:1

This Scripture so aptly shows us that a wise woman builds her house. Each one of us can begin our days asking God how we can build ‘our house’, that is whatever and whomever we come into contact with for the benefit of those closest to us. We are not to be foolish with our time, our skills, and our creativity but rather utilise this in ways that strengthen rather than weaken our homes. Are we building those around us up in our roles as wife, mother, friend etc? Moms and wives are we building our homes or tearing them down? Let us take the example of the excellent woman and not be foolish but use our gifts and skills to complete the work God has given us for His glory and without grumbling or complaint!

Practical ways to build a home using your abilities

1. Use your sewing abilities in your home by mending clothes, this will save you money in the long run and you will be amazed at what can be done. Our dog chewed a jacket of mine and the inside of Gren’s tracksuit pants, both have been mended and look like new.

2. Teach your children to do things in the home like chores but also how to make things out of common items found in the house. I downloaded an old book that is no longer copyrighted called Handmade Toys for Boys and Girls and it will be such fun as the children get older learning how to make things with our hands.

3. The book we are endeavouring to put together would be another example of a good way to build your home. Make a recipe file and start building it up so that one day those in your family can benefit from your ideas.

4. Start family traditions like a special cake or treat every birthday, Thanksgiving dinner, godly Christ-exalting celebrations at Easter and Christmas, a family evening or date night with your spouse. In Disciplines of a Godly Family the Hughes write of a tradition when their children were a bit older that they would wake them up late at night or early morning and do a pyjama drill to the nearest ice cream shop or late night roadhouse (our equivalent) for a special treat.

5. Have a take away evening where you prepare healthier options for your family and they get to build their own burgers/pizza etc at half the price and double the fun.

Yes it all takes time but it’s worth it!

Daniel in the lion's den

Daniel in the Lion’s den

Get to know each other:


Help us to listen and learn from your word. Thank you for taking care of us and protecting us from the evil one. Amen


The love of Jesus

Jesus loves me

Jesus loves all the children

Story: Daniel in the Lion’s den

Reference: Daniel 6

Props: Sock puppet and lion puppet

Daniel was living as an exile in Babylon. The king thought that Daniel was so wise he wanted to make him ruler of the whole kingdom. The other leaders were jealous. “That’s not right!” they said. He’s an Israelite, and now he’s going to be more powerful than us.”

They talked to each other and made a plan to get rid of Daniel. “ We’ll ask the king to make a new law,” they said. “ Whoever prays to any god or man other than the king will be thrown into the den of lions (roar, roar).”

They were all delighted with the plan (hooray, hooray) and went to the king to share their idea. They said’ “Oh, king we wish to make a new law that any man that prays to any god or man other then you should be thrown in the den of lions.”

The king said, “I love the idea, everyone can worship me!” So that very day the king commanded his scribe to write down this new law and then it was proclaimed throughout the land.

Daniel heard about the new law. He went home and climbed the steps to his room. His room faced east towards Jerusalem. He prayed to the Lord three times a day just as he always had. When the leaders found out Daniel was still praying, they were delighted. “Look,” they said. “ He’s breaking the law. Let’s go tell the king.”

So they went to tell the king. “Oh, king,” they said, “your servant Daniel is not as wise as you thought. He is breaking your new law.” The king shook his head very sadly.

“Take him to the den of lions (roar, roar),” he said. Daniel was captured and thrown into the lion’s den. The king spoke to Daniel and said, “ Your God, whom you serve so faithfully will save you.” A big rock was then rolled over the entrance and sealed shut so he couldn’t escape.

At sunrise the next day, the king awoke. “Please, please let Daniel still be alive!” the king cried. He ran quickly to the lion’s den. “Daniel, Daniel!” he called. “Has your God saved you?” he asked. He put his ear near the rock.

“King!” Daniel called back. “ My God sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions!” The king rejoiced as he pulled Daniel out of the lion’s den.

The king gave a command and captured the leaders who had accused Daniel and threw them into the lion’s den and the lions killed them.

Soon after this, the king made a new law that everyone must worship the God of Daniel – or else.

Bible story adapted by Antoinette Marlow.


1. What did they king want to give Daniel?

2. Why were the other leaders jealous?

3. What plan did the leaders make?

4. Who did Daniel pray to?

5. Who saved Daniel?

6. How was Daniel saved?

7. What new rule did the king make in the end?

Memory verse

“The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand.” Ps 121 vs. 5

The Lord is my provider.


The children sit around a table. The table is covered with paper. Each child is given a page. Then each child is given a straw. In the middle of the table there are paints. Each paint jar has a teaspoon in it. The children must dish a spoon of paint onto the page. Then they must blow the paint to make designs. Repeat this process until the page is covered. Use various colours.

This activity develops fine motor control and creativity

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Naomi and Ruth

Naomi and Ruth

Get to know each other:

Would you give your favourite toy to your sister for her to keep? How would you show your love to your mother, brother or sister? Who provides for you? Why do they provide for you?


Help us to listen and learn from your word. Thank you for taking care of us and providing for all our needs. Amen


I am in the Lord’s army
Oh, be careful little eyes
Jesus loves me

Story: Naomi and Ruth

Reference: Ruth

Props: Sock puppets

Elimelech and Naomi travelled from Bethlehem to Moab. Naomi had a hard time in Moab. Her husband died and she was left with two sons. The sons married and the name of one wife was Orpah and the other’s name was Ruth.

Then both Naomi’s sons died and she was heartbroken. She decided to return to her hometown – Bethlehem. She said to her daughters-in-law, “Go back to your parents.”

Then Orpah kissed her good-by and returned to her parents. Ruth said to Naomi, “Please don’t ask me to leave you, your people will be my people and your God will be my God.”

So Naomi and Ruth travelled to Bethlehem. They arrived at the beginning of the barley harvest.

God had told his people to allow the widows to pick up grain that fell on the ground during the harvest to provide for them.

Ruth said to Naomi. “Let me go work in the fields and pick up grain for us to eat.”

So the next day, Ruth went to the fields to pick up grain. And she worked in the fields of a man named Boaz.

When Boaz saw Ruth he asked who she was and the workers told him that she was Naomi’s daughter-in-law and that she was picking up grain for Naomi and herself. He asked how long she had been there. They told him she had been there all day.

Boaz asked her to only work in his fields. He also told his workers to leave extra grain behind for her. She ate supper in his fields and took the food she did not eat back to Naomi.

So Ruth took the food back to Naomi. Naomi asked Ruth whose field she had worked in and Ruth said that she had worked in Boaz’s field.

Boaz admired her hard work and love for her mother-in-law.

Boaz went to the city gate and asked if he might redeem (to buy something back) Elimlech’s land. Another relative wanted to buy the land but when he found out that he would have to marry Ruth if he redeemed the land, he said that Boaz could redeem the land. So Boaz redeemed the land and then he married Ruth. After they were married for some time, Ruth fell pregnant and she gave birth to a little baby boy.

Naomi said, “ You gave up your life to take care of me. Now God has blessed with a wonderful husband and a beautiful baby boy!”

Bible story adapted by Antoinette Marlow


1. Which city did Naomi go to?
2. What happened to her husband?
3. What happened to her sons?
4. What did Ruth do to help Naomi?
5. Whose field did she work in?
6. Who married Ruth?

Memory verse

“The Lord is your keeper; The Lord is your shade at your right hand.” Ps 121 vs. 5

The Lord is my provider.


Baked biscuits in the shape of a bear’s head or ginger bread man are given to the children. Water icing in two colours is made. The children are to spread the icing on the biscuits and then decorate them with hundreds and thousands, smarties and vermicelli. This activity develops fine motor control and creativity.


125g butter/marg 500g flour
170g castor sugar Pinch salt
2 eggs 5 ml baking powder

Preheat the oven to 200 C. Cream butter and add sugar gradually, beat mixture until white and creamy. Add the eggs one at a time beating them in thoroughly. Add sifted flour, salt and baking powder. Knead well. If the dough is sticky, add a little more flour. Sprinkle some flour onto your counter, roll out the dough and cut into shapes. Bake for 10 minutes.

Note: I use normal sugar not castor sugar.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Career woman, or not? Proverbs 31:18

From the time a young girl can converse, the famous question is put forward to her, "What do you want to be one day?". Her list is endless! The answers range from; "I want to marry a rich man", to "I want to be a career woman". As a girl reaches grade 10, she is expected to answer that question more specifically so that she can choose her subjects at school in preparation for further study at university. Once the girl has nearly finished her final year at secondary school, application forms are thrust into her hands as mere formality to the next step, university. The question then asked is, "where and what are you studying?". If she dare chooses to not go further in her education she is generally regarded as a "drop out" and will therefore waste the rest of her life. The ultimate goal which is almost always imposed by society to girls of all ages, is to be a very successful career woman who can climb the ladder to the top in an international company. Tell me if I am wrong!

Do you realise that we have allowed society to rule our minds. I was so shocked and humbled when I realised this fact, even angry as society standards are 100% opposed to Gods ways. Worldy thinking is entrenched in our minds so deeply! So what is the problem with the example of a young girls options (which to us is so familiar) mentioned above?

Feminism is the problem! Let me briefly explain.

In the begining, God created Adam and Eve. God's first command to them was:

"And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the
earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the
heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.""
Genesis 1:28

Then the Lord God said,
"It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Genesis 2:18

God's first command to Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and to multiply, to fill the earth with children. This is certainly true for us too. The muslims seem to have understood this verse very well and are succeeding in raising an army up against all those who are not followers of the muslim faith! God created woman to be a helper for the man. How does the woman help? She helps him run the man's empire (home)! I can imagine how many of you are cringing as you read that. We are so ingrained by society that just the mention of a stay at home mom makes us tremble in embarrasment! This is the effect of Feminism!

When we are presented with forms to fill out, the question "what is your occupation?" always baffles us. We sit for ages trying to come up with a fancy way of explaining your God given role as a woman, we are so ashamed! What's going on? The world has so engrained us to think that you are a mis fit in society if you "dont work and stay at home!" We really need to take a rain check and renew our minds with Gods word!

We have covered many strengths of a godly woman so far. She is an amazing woman who can not operate by human strength but only by the Grace and strength from God. The authentic biblical role of a woman at home is so demanding that woman run away from it and actually find that the career path is less demanding. Feminism has provided an excuse to escape God given responsibilities at home

The Feminist movement has truely succedded in destroying authentic biblical womanhood! The effects have vered us so far off God's way that as woman of today, we have to be taught the basics from books! Some of us have been blessed with mothers who have been able by the Grace of God, to teach their daugthers from example.

So with all of this in mind. Let us look at our verse, Proverbs 31:18.

"She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.
Her lamp does not go out at night."
Proverbs 31:18

What does this mean? This verse means that she works hard, even into the night if need be. What does she work at? She is making merchandise (goods) that she sees fit for profit. Surprise! On top of every thing else that we have studied and are still to study, we discover that this woman "runs her own business"!

What is the difference between a career woman and a Proverbs 31 business woman?

*She pleases her husband day and night
#She pleases her manager during the day and her husband at night
*She is her own boss
#She works for a boss
*She sets her own goals therefore no stress
#She attains to other's goals and results in stress overload
*She works at night and spare time
#She works the whole day
*She runs and oversees her home at all
#She can not run her home personally during the times day at all
*She can train her children up in God's ways as God has instructed whilst they are awake
#She can not train her children in God's ways personally as God has instructed us to
*She manages her time so that her role as a helpmeat to her husband is not hindered
#She has to hire others to be a helpmeat to her husband

I am sure you can think of other differences.

Let us look at the two stanzas of the verse:

"She perceives that her merchandise is profitable."

A woman is to be able to perceive/see that her merchandise/goods are profitable/good. This verse holds so much information. The woman would have to produce something which is good, usually, for this to happen, there is much knowledge and practice involved. This takes us back to the opening paragraph of this study. Ideally, a young girl should be able to seek out the abilities that the Lord has given her and she should develope them from a very young age. She would then have her whole childhood to perfect her abilities. What a contrast to the society standard which says that they should choose their career in grade 10 and study further at the age of 18 and then in their early twenties start getting practical in the business world. Our daughters are loosing the first +/- 20 years of hands on development of their abilities of providing profitable merchandise!

Let me also mention that its forbidden to study futher at university. That is not a sin! Just make sure that your intentions are to use your studies for the Lords glory and not t for the reason to become a career woman. There is a difference.

Society places a HUGE emphasis on developing abilities for profit. For a Proverbs 31 woman, it is only a small facet to the function of a true woman. Talk about multi-tasking in its true sence!

This woman would have much experience in her niche to be able to produce and perceive that her merchandise/service is good.

"Her lamp does not go out at night."

The second part of this verse identifies the wisdom of a godly woman. Firstly, she works at night so that she does not neglect all of her responsibilites during the day. Secondly, she can use her time wisely as she can concentrate fully on what she is doing, rather than being distracted every two minutes. Thirdly, her quality of work would be better as should would not be frustrated and stressed out with a number of things still to do before the day ends.

This however does not mean that she must only work at night. Its the principle of a hard working woman that we are focusing on. If you have time during the day to work without neglecting your responsibilities then use the time wisely.

Application for us today:
Pray! Ask the Lord to show you the abilities that He has bless you with. Then start developing them. Remember to concentrate on developing your abilities and creating your masterpieces at a time when you are not forsaking your other more important responsiblities. Give God the Glory for the abilities that He has blessed you with as you are able to make a profit from them. Then lastly, but no less important, plan how you will use the profit that you make in a God honouring way and not to endulge it all on your self!

"Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
Without having any chief, officer, or ruler,
she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest,
and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man. "
Proverbs 6:6-11

"Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf."
Proverbs 11:28

*Start on a shoestring. Think small! Dont rush out and spend a fortune on things that you "need" before you have sold something. This requires a great deal of self control.
*Do not go into debt! Rather save some money first before starting. There is no need to take a loan out.
*If you are making something, rather provide a sample and make by order to start OR make just a few products first to see if they sell.
*Keep track on all money involved. Calculate on a regular basis if you are making more than what you are putting in.
*Understand how you will make a profit.
*Get and keep a competitive edge.
*Make good quality goods, not a rushed job. Provide the best service.
*Have a basic business plan and goals

Written By Natalie Rogers

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Woman of Strength - Proverbs 31:17

Proverbs 31: 17
‘She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms.’

Have you ever felt like curling up and going to sleep during a particularly difficult day or just running away to indulge in your favourite coffee at your local coffee shop when there are much more important things to be done? I am sure most of us have had periodic moments like this. The important question that therefore must be answered is how we, as Christian women, deal with these times in our life. They are the times when we need to draw on our Lord for the strength to go on, and to do the things that our family and those dependent upon us, need from us. Surely therefore we must look to Scripture and most especially at the virtuous woman to find out how we should deal with this problem of human lethargy.

When we feel particularly energetic and full of life it is not difficult to compare ourselves with this woman as we are also accomplishing a lot and at the end of the day we are satisfied with how the day has gone. But it is when we are feeling down and unmotivated that we will be in the most danger of failing to do what we should do. Therefore this is the time that we need to call on God for His help acknowledging our need of Him (we must always acknowledge our need of Him!). I’m sure that’s the secret of the Proverbs 31 woman - she has her (our) Lord within guiding her and helping her throughout her days. The great paradox (irony) here is that when we feel at our weakest that we are always able to call upon the Lord for His strength and to trust Him to provide what we cannot manufacture ourselves. What a privilege to be able to call upon the high and holy God to provide us with strength for our days.

Let us begin today by praying to the Lord:

Prayer: Father, we do at times have difficulties that would threaten to cause us to despair but help us to cry out to you at the first sight of such thoughts. We would ask that you grant us the abilities found in the Proverbs 31 woman, most especially her strength, that we may have the endurance and vigor we find portrayed in these verses.

Another translation says ‘She girds her loins with strength, and strenghtheneth her arms.’
Inner strength and trust in God translates into outer strength and physical vitality. The "loins" are regarded as the seat of strength as we have read in our chapter of Beautiful in God’s Eyes (see 1 Kings 12:10; Nahum 2:1). It refers to the abdominal or hip region of the body and it is the region of strength and procreative power.
In Bible times both men and women wore outer robes or tunics. If the tunic was ungirded it would interfere with a person's ability to walk freely. The Bible often makes symbolic use of the girdle. Jesus said, "Let your loins be girded about" (Luke 12:35). In other words, "Be as men who have a long race to run; gather up the folds of your flowing robes, and fasten them with your girdle; that nothing may keep you back or impede your steps." In Bible language, "to be girded" means "to be ready for action." "For thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle" (Psalm 18:39). [See Fred Wight, Manners and Customs of Bible Lands, page 93]. We have already read in previous chapters how the Proverbs 31 woman is like a warrior and now we read that she is always ready for action and this translates into her home life where she is neither lazy nor dishevelled.

Another translation of this verse says she sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.
The virtuous woman has a reservoir of inner strength which is able to energize her and enable her to accomplish physical tasks which require a great amount of physical strength. There is something about the word “vigorously” that makes me imagine a woman who does not lie in at the sound of the alarm clock but rather gets out of bed and “attacks” the day! She is not weakened by sloth or laziness but she is a wonderful example of diligence and industry. George Lawson describes her in this way:
As rust gathers on metals that are seldom used, so sluggishness of disposition contracts rust on the powers of the body and mind; and idle persons by degrees realize those excuses for their conduct which were at first mere shams. The virtuous woman is of a very different temper. She declines not any part of her duty through aversion to toil; and by exerting her strength with a cheerful mind she improves it. Her labours give her health and vigour, and alacrity for new labours; so that she can with great ease and tranquillity go through those duties which appear impossibilities to other women.
We need to realise that as we go before God He will revitalise us to keep going and this in turn will be evident by the physical strength we have – perhaps strength we did not think we had!

I recently read a woman’s testimony that had been endeavouring to model her life upon the Proverbs 31 woman. She has two children whom she is homeschooling, has no help at home, is busy running her household on a limited budget and only just managing. She was having great difficulty with the idea that she was not supposed to eat the bread of idleness nor let her candle go out at night etc. but at the same time felt completely burnt out. She did not realise that this woman is for us to model ourselves on and she was even becoming frustrated with her husband for not helping her more. We need to pray that the Lord would help us to maintain the priorities in our lives. It is more important for this woman to spend some quality time with her husband in the evening than to run around like a whirlwind to get everything finished. Scripture clearly teaches on the need for rest but speaks against being slothful.
We also need to remember that there will be times when we do not have the necessary strength to complete all the things we would normally do in our home or outside of it but even during these times we can be women of strength relying on our Lord to supply us with inner strength. We may be pregnant or just had a baby, we may be ill or bed-ridden, and we may just not be as strong as other women. We don’t necessarily have to be body builders in order to have strong arms! In fact I have no doubt that the Proverbs 31 woman is uniquely feminine as we have already encountered. We are able to model our lives on the Proverbs 31 woman and we can aspire to become like her every day. Be strong in your prayer life and in reading God’s Word, be strong in your submission to your husband and in service to your children, be strong in your Bible knowledge, and be strong in your service to others and in your joy.

1. What additional boosts in attitude can a woman tap into according to these verses?

- Nehemiah 8:10

- Ecclesiastes 9:10

- Psalm 118:24

- Proverbs 14:23

- Galatians 5:22

- Philippians 4:13

2. Her physical energy – Next the teacher of this alphabetical acrostic points to verse 17 to the ability to work. God’s Proverbs 31 woman is strong. Why?

3. Your mental energy – List a handful of practices that are proven to increase a person’s mental energy. Are you failing in any one of them? If so, what can – or must! - You do to “gird” yourself with greater mental strength and energy?

4. Your physical energy – List a handful of practices that are proven to increase a person’s physical energy. Are you failing in any one of them? If so, what can – or must! - You do to “gird” yourself with greater physical strength and energy?

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Card Making Workshop

Workshop presented by Antoinette Marlow

Aim of workshop

To teach and enhance card making skills. Ladies can then use these skills to make cards to sell or to give to people on special occasions.

Sympathy card

Materials required

Off white homemade paper
Silk paper
Flowers (roses/sunflowers)
Double sided tape

What to do:
Tear a rectangle of homemade paper, paste onto card. Tear a smaller rectangle of silk paper and stick it onto the homemade paper. Use double sided tape to attach flowers. Make a bow from the ribbon and attach it with double sided tape.

Happy birthday card

Materials required

Cloudy blue paper
Light yellow ochre paper
Stickers – happy birthday
Theme sticker _ lighthouse/crab or starfish

Cut a rectangle from the blue paper, paste onto card. Cut a smaller rectangle from the yellow paper (10 cm by 8 cm) lightly draw dune shapes on the paper and cut them out. Paste over blue paper. Choose a theme sticker and stick it onto the dunes. Stick the happy birthday sticker on the top half of the card over the blue paper.

African style card

Materials required

Burgundy paper
Off white homemade paper
Skelton leaf
Animal print paper
Punched leaves

Cut a rectangle from the burgundy paper, paste onto card. Tear a small rectangle from the homemade paper. Cut a strip from the animal print paper and paste it near the bottom of the card. Glue the home made paper near the top of the card and glue the leaf over the homemade paper. Glue two or three leaves above the animal print strip.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The strongest man

The strongest man

Get to know each other:

Do you know someone who is really strong? Who is your favourite strong man? Would you like to be strong?


Help us to listen and learn from your word. Thank you for taking care of us and helping us in times of trouble. Amen


Oh, be careful

He made the stars to shine

My God is so Big

Story: The strongest man

Reference: Judges 14 - 16

Props: Sock puppets

There was a man and a woman who really wanted to have a child but they could not have one for a long time. An angel of the Lord appeared to the woman and promised her that she would have a son. The angel gave the woman some special instructions. She was to drink no wine when she was pregnant. When the baby was born they were to never cut his hair.

The woman gave birth to a boy and named him Samson. He grew up and he was strong. He could rip apart a city wall. His mighty strength came from God.

One day Samson fell in love with a Philistine woman named Delilah. The Philistines were the enemies of God’s people and thus also enemies of God. The rulers of the city came to her and promised her that they would give her lots of money if she could find out the source of Samson’s strength.

So Delilah asked Samson how he could be defeated. Samson answered her, “If any one ties me up with seven thick ropes I will be as weak as any man.” So she tied him up and then the Philistine soldiers came and tried to take him but he broke the ropes as if they were not even there and the soldiers ran away.

So Delilah asked Samson again how he could be defeated. Samson said to her, “Tie me up with new ropes that have never been used and I will be as weak as any man.”

So she tied him up tightly with lots of new ropes. Then the Philistine soldiers came and tried to take him but he broke the ropes as if they were not even there and the soldiers ran away.

So Delilah asked Samson a third time how he could be defeated. Samson said to her, “ Tie my hair into a loom and tighten it with a pin and I will be as weak as any man.” So she tied up his hair tightly in a loom. Then the Philistine soldiers came and tried to take him but he pulled up the loom and pin with one hand as if they light as a feather and the soldiers ran away.

So Delilah asked Samson for the source of his strength again. He was so tired of her asking him again and again, so he told her the real source of his strength. He told her, “ My hair has never been cut since I was born because I have been set apart to serve God. If anyone shaves all my hair off, I will be as weak as any man.” Then the Philistine soldiers came and captured him because he was weak. The Lord had left Samson because he had disobeyed him.

The Philistine soldiers gouged out his eyes and put him in prison. They laughed and mocked him because he was weak.

Slowly his hair began to grow back. One day the Philistines had a great party. They brought Samson out so they could make fun of him. He couldn’t see anymore but he knew the pillars were close to him. The temple was filled with Philistines. Samson then prayed, “Lord, give me strength again. Let me get back at these Philistines for what hey did to me. Samson put his hands on the pillars and pushed with all him might. Samson said, “Let me die with the Philistines!”

The pillars collapsed and the temple crashed down. Everyone died including Samson.

Samson killed many Philistines that day.


  1. What was special about Samson?
  2. What were they not to do to his hair?
  3. Who gave him his strength?
  4. Who found out Samson’s secret?
  5. Who captured Samson?
  6. What did the Philistines do to Samson?
  7. How did Samson kill many Philistines?

Memory verse

My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. Ps 121 vs 2


A table is prepared for the activity. The table is covered with newspaper. A piece of A4 paper is placed where each of the children are going to work. The paper must be fastened down with prestic or masking tape. Paint is placed in small pots. The children are to wear aprons. Each child is given ¼ “ paint brush. The children are to paint on the paper. Encourage the children to wipe their brushes off in the pots of paint. This activity encourages fine motor control and creativity.