Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jesus Calls the Disciples - Kids Corner

Opening Prayer:

Thank you Lord for giving us another day to learn more about you. Forgive us for sinning against you. Please give us new hearts and ears to hear you. Amen.


1. I will make you fishers of men

2. He is Lord


Jesus calls the Disciples


Matthew 4:18-22. Matthew 9:9. Mark 1:16-20.


Picture in "Word and Song Bible" & "The bible for toddlers". A calling trumpet (From Activity).

(Show picture) Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (Who is called Peter) and Andrew. They were casting a net into the sea because they were fishermen catching fish. Jesus said to them, (Use trumpet) "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed Jesus!

They carried on walking and they saw two other brothers, James and John. They were in a boat mending nets with their father who's name was Zebedee. Jesus called them. (Use trumpet) Come and follow me. James and John immediately left their father, the hired servants and the boat and followed Jesus!

(Show picture) Jesus came across a man named Matthew. He was a tax collector. He was sitting at the tax booth. Jesus said to him, (Use trumpet) "Follow me." And Matthew stood up and followed Jesus

Jesus called 12 disciples. They were (Use trumpet) Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, another James Thaddaeus, Simon and Judas. These twelve men became very close friends with Jesus. Jesus taught them many things which are recorded in the bible.

Jesus called the twelve disciples to follow him. Jesus also calls you to follow him. He calls you to repent and be obedient to Gods word.


1. Who did the calling?

2. What did Jesus tell the men to do?

3. How quickly did the men leave what they were doing to follow Jesus?

4. Does the Lord call us to follow Him?

Memory verse:

"Follow me and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Activity: Making fishers trumpets

Need: *1 Long cardboard roll for each child (2 toilet paper rolls cellotaped together)

* Coloured paper

* Glue

1. Cover roll in one coloured sheet of paper.

2. Cut out lots of fish shapes.

3. Stick the fishes on the rolls.

4. Get the children to call to one another using their "Trumpets".

Lesson done by Natalie Rogers

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