Do you realise that we have allowed society to rule our minds. I was so shocked and humbled when I realised this fact, even angry as society standards are 100% opposed to Gods ways. Worldy thinking is entrenched in our minds so deeply! So what is the problem with the example of a young girls options (which to us is so familiar) mentioned above?
Feminism is the problem! Let me briefly explain.
In the begining, God created Adam and Eve. God's first command to them was:
"And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the
earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the
heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.""
Genesis 1:28
Then the Lord God said,
"It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”
Genesis 2:18
God's first command to Adam and Eve was to be fruitful and to multiply, to fill the earth with children. This is certainly true for us too. The muslims seem to have understood this verse very well and are succeeding in raising an army up against all those who are not followers of the muslim faith! God created woman to be a helper for the man. How does the woman help? She helps him run the man's empire (home)! I can imagine how many of you are cringing as you read that. We are so ingrained by society that just the mention of a stay at home mom makes us tremble in embarrasment! This is the effect of Feminism!
When we are presented with forms to fill out, the question "what is your occupation?" always baffles us. We sit for ages trying to come up with a fancy way of explaining your God given role as a woman, we are so ashamed! What's going on? The world has so engrained us to think that you are a mis fit in society if you "dont work and stay at home!" We really need to take a rain check and renew our minds with Gods word!
We have covered many strengths of a godly woman so far. She is an amazing woman who can not operate by human strength but only by the Grace and strength from God. The authentic biblical role of a woman at home is so demanding that woman run away from it and actually find that the career path is less demanding. Feminism has provided an excuse to escape God given responsibilities at home
The Feminist movement has truely succedded in destroying authentic biblical womanhood! The effects have vered us so far off God's way that as woman of today, we have to be taught the basics from books! Some of us have been blessed with mothers who have been able by the Grace of God, to teach their daugthers from example.
So with all of this in mind. Let us look at our verse, Proverbs 31:18.
"She perceives that her merchandise is profitable.
Her lamp does not go out at night."
Proverbs 31:18
What does this mean? This verse means that she works hard, even into the night if need be. What does she work at? She is making merchandise (goods) that she sees fit for profit. Surprise! On top of every thing else that we have studied and are still to study, we discover that this woman "runs her own business"!
What is the difference between a career woman and a Proverbs 31 business woman?
*She pleases her husband day and night
#She pleases her manager during the day and her husband at night
*She is her own boss
*She is her own boss
#She works for a boss
*She sets her own goals therefore no stress
*She sets her own goals therefore no stress
#She attains to other's goals and results in stress overload
*She works at night and spare time
*She works at night and spare time
#She works the whole day
*She runs and oversees her home at all
*She runs and oversees her home at all
#She can not run her home personally during the times day at all
Let us look at the two stanzas of the verse:
A woman is to be able to perceive/see that her merchandise/goods are profitable/good. This verse holds so much information. The woman would have to produce something which is good, usually, for this to happen, there is much knowledge and practice involved. This takes us back to the opening paragraph of this study. Ideally, a young girl should be able to seek out the abilities that the Lord has given her and she should develope them from a very young age. She would then have her whole childhood to perfect her abilities. What a contrast to the society standard which says that they should choose their career in grade 10 and study further at the age of 18 and then in their early twenties start getting practical in the business world. Our daughters are loosing the first +/- 20 years of hands on development of their abilities of providing profitable merchandise!
Let me also mention that its forbidden to study futher at university. That is not a sin! Just make sure that your intentions are to use your studies for the Lords glory and not t for the reason to become a career woman. There is a difference.
Society places a HUGE emphasis on developing abilities for profit. For a Proverbs 31 woman, it is only a small facet to the function of a true woman. Talk about multi-tasking in its true sence!
This woman would have much experience in her niche to be able to produce and perceive that her merchandise/service is good.
The second part of this verse identifies the wisdom of a godly woman. Firstly, she works at night so that she does not neglect all of her responsibilites during the day. Secondly, she can use her time wisely as she can concentrate fully on what she is doing, rather than being distracted every two minutes. Thirdly, her quality of work would be better as should would not be frustrated and stressed out with a number of things still to do before the day ends.
This however does not mean that she must only work at night. Its the principle of a hard working woman that we are focusing on. If you have time during the day to work without neglecting your responsibilities then use the time wisely.
Application for us today:
Pray! Ask the Lord to show you the abilities that He has bless you with. Then start developing them. Remember to concentrate on developing your abilities and creating your masterpieces at a time when you are not forsaking your other more important responsiblities. Give God the Glory for the abilities that He has blessed you with as you are able to make a profit from them. Then lastly, but no less important, plan how you will use the profit that you make in a God honouring way and not to endulge it all on your self!
*Start on a shoestring. Think small! Dont rush out and spend a fortune on things that you "need" before you have sold something. This requires a great deal of self control.
*Do not go into debt! Rather save some money first before starting. There is no need to take a loan out.
*If you are making something, rather provide a sample and make by order to start OR make just a few products first to see if they sell.
*Keep track on all money involved. Calculate on a regular basis if you are making more than what you are putting in.
*Understand how you will make a profit.
*Get and keep a competitive edge.
*Make good quality goods, not a rushed job. Provide the best service.
*Have a basic business plan and goals
*She can train her children up in God's ways as God has instructed whilst they are awake
#She can not train her children in God's ways personally as God has instructed us to
*She manages her time so that her role as a helpmeat to her husband is not hindered
#She has to hire others to be a helpmeat to her husband
I am sure you can think of other differences.
Let us look at the two stanzas of the verse:
"She perceives that her merchandise is profitable."
A woman is to be able to perceive/see that her merchandise/goods are profitable/good. This verse holds so much information. The woman would have to produce something which is good, usually, for this to happen, there is much knowledge and practice involved. This takes us back to the opening paragraph of this study. Ideally, a young girl should be able to seek out the abilities that the Lord has given her and she should develope them from a very young age. She would then have her whole childhood to perfect her abilities. What a contrast to the society standard which says that they should choose their career in grade 10 and study further at the age of 18 and then in their early twenties start getting practical in the business world. Our daughters are loosing the first +/- 20 years of hands on development of their abilities of providing profitable merchandise!
Let me also mention that its forbidden to study futher at university. That is not a sin! Just make sure that your intentions are to use your studies for the Lords glory and not t for the reason to become a career woman. There is a difference.
Society places a HUGE emphasis on developing abilities for profit. For a Proverbs 31 woman, it is only a small facet to the function of a true woman. Talk about multi-tasking in its true sence!
This woman would have much experience in her niche to be able to produce and perceive that her merchandise/service is good.
"Her lamp does not go out at night."
This however does not mean that she must only work at night. Its the principle of a hard working woman that we are focusing on. If you have time during the day to work without neglecting your responsibilities then use the time wisely.
Application for us today:
Pray! Ask the Lord to show you the abilities that He has bless you with. Then start developing them. Remember to concentrate on developing your abilities and creating your masterpieces at a time when you are not forsaking your other more important responsiblities. Give God the Glory for the abilities that He has blessed you with as you are able to make a profit from them. Then lastly, but no less important, plan how you will use the profit that you make in a God honouring way and not to endulge it all on your self!
"Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise.
Without having any chief, officer, or ruler,
she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep?
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest,
and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man. "
Proverbs 6:6-11
"Whoever trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like a green leaf."
Proverbs 11:28
*Start on a shoestring. Think small! Dont rush out and spend a fortune on things that you "need" before you have sold something. This requires a great deal of self control.
*Do not go into debt! Rather save some money first before starting. There is no need to take a loan out.
*If you are making something, rather provide a sample and make by order to start OR make just a few products first to see if they sell.
*Keep track on all money involved. Calculate on a regular basis if you are making more than what you are putting in.
*Understand how you will make a profit.
*Get and keep a competitive edge.
*Make good quality goods, not a rushed job. Provide the best service.
*Have a basic business plan and goals
Written By Natalie Rogers
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