Monday, October 26, 2009

Jesus heals a man brought through the roof!

PRAYER: Dear Lord, thank you for this new day. Thank you for the cross where Jesus died for our sins so we can talk to you again. In Jesus name, Amen.

SONGS: Trust and Obey, Praise Him, Thy Word have i hid in my heart

BIBLE STORY: Mark 2: 1-12

Let’s look up today’s story in God’s Word the Bible so we can see the truths Jesus told us. Today we are going to hear about a man and his friends who believed in Jesus and trusted Him even though it seemed like they would not be able to reach Him.
Have you ever been in a really crowded room? When you are squashed or there are lots of people. On this day Jesus was talking in a room and a lot of people were all squashed into one room. A man who could not walk and his friends could not bring him in to see Jesus as there was no space... What did they do?

Read Rooftop Miracle taken from the Word & Song Bible.


1. Where was Jesus in our Bible story? (In a house)
2. Was there a lot of room in the house? (No, it was very crowded.)
3. What was wrong with the man in our Bible story? (He was sick – he could not walk)
4. What did his friends do? (They were carrying their friend to Jesus. When they could not get in the door, they made a hole in the roof and lowered their friend down.)
5. What did they ask Jesus to do? (Heal their friend)
6. Did Jesus heal the man? (Yes!”)

MEMORY VERSE – Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

CRAFT – A man lowered through the roof of a house!

Materials needed – box of some sort with a lid (similar to a box obtained from a bakery), craft knife, pipe cleaners, punch, cotton wool, cutout shape of a man.

· Take the box and cut a hole in the lid of the box in the shape of a rectangle.
· Trim the edges of the part that has been cut out so it will fit smoothly into your hole.
· Turn the card around so the white side is face down, then punch one hole at each corner giving you four holes.
· Use the pipe cleaner to thread through the holes on either side, giving you a little bed with handles.
· Take some cotton wool and glue it at the one end of the bed for a “pillow”.
· Use the shape of the man to be coloured in by the children and glue it on and lower him down into the house. Older children may decorate the house outside. Depending on the age of the children they can help with each stage.

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