Thursday, September 23, 2010

Peter and Dorcus

Peter and Dorcus


Dear Lord, help us to learn to trust and obey you. Amen.


Alive, alive forever more
Stand up and shout it
This is the day

Memory verse: Seek first his kingdom , and all these things will be given to you as well. Matt 6:33

Lesson aim: to show that God has control over death

Lesson: Ref: Acts 9: 36 – 42.

There was a lady called Dorcus who lived in a busy sea side town called Joppa. She would sit sewing in the shade by her house every day. She enjoyed making clothes for people. She helped many poor people by making clothes for them. When people needed help, they would come to her.

One day, Dorcus felt very ill. She had to stay in bed. After a few days she died. Her friends came to her house. They felt very sad.

When Dorcus’ friends heard that Peter was in a nearby town they sent a message with two men to him. “Please come at once!” They said. Peter came to the house and was shown to the room where Dorcus lay.

Peter set everyone out of the room and then got on his knees and prayed. He asked the Lord Jesus to help him. Then he turned to Dorcus and told her, “ Dorcus, get up.” She opened her eyes and when she saw Peter she sat up. He took her had and helped her up. He called the believers and showed them that Dorcus was alive.

This miracle became known all over Joppa and many people believed in the Lord Jesus.

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