Dear Lord God, please help us to listen to the story of the miracle Jesus did and to know that He is God.
Believe in the Lord Jesus
Praise Him, Praise Him all ye little children
Teach the children that Jesus performed miracles because He is God.
Luke 9:10-17
Can you remember some of the miracles Jesus did? He healed the paralyzed man, He calmed the storm and He brought Jairus’ daughter back to life!
One day Jesus and his friends, the disciples, were talking in a quiet place. A very large crowd of people came to find Jesus. He told the people all about God and He made the sick people well again. It was late in the afternoon. Jesus’ disciples asked Him to send the people away, so that they could go to nearby towns to buy food. Jesus said to His disciples,” You give them something to eat.” The disciples had no food to give so many people and no money to go and buy some.
There was a little boy in the crowd. He had a basket of five bread rolls and two fish. The disciples took the basket to Jesus, ”This is all the food we have,” they said.
Jesus told the disciples to tell the people to sit in groups on the grass. He took the five bread rolls and two fish and gave thanks to God. He broke them into pieces and told the disciples to give them to all the people. Everyone had enough to eat! And the disciples still collected twelve baskets of leftovers after everyone had finished eating.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank You that You provide for all our needs. Thank You for our food. In Your name, Amen.
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