Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Road to Emmaus

Road to Emmaus


Alleluia, praise ye the Lord
This is the day

Lesson aim: Show that Jesus is alive and was seen by witnesses after his resurrection.


Verse: Luke 24: 13 -35

Resources: Picture of two men walking along the Emmaus road

On the third day after Jesus was crucified, there were two men walking along the road to Emmaus. They were talking about what had happened to Jesus – his crucifixion and the fact that Christ was not in the tomb where they laid him. As they were walking along the road, Jesus joined them but they did not recognise him.

Jesus asked them, ‘ What are you talking about?’

One of them said, ‘Haven’t you heard the news?’

‘What news?’ Jesus asked

‘About Jesus,’ they answered, ‘he was crucified and we were hoping he would save Isreal. He was placed in his tomb on Friday and now his body is gone!’ We don’t know what to do. We don’t understand.’

Jesus explained to them why he had to die using verses from the bible. Jesus had to die to save lost sinners.

They invited Jesus to join them for supper. While they were eating, he took bread prayed and broke it and gave it to them.

When they took the bread they recognised Jesus. Then Jesus disappeared.

They got up and ran back to Jerusalem where all their friends were. They told them, ‘Jesus is risen!’ they said. ‘We have seen him!’

Memory verse

‘The Lord is risen.’ Luke 24:34


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you that you died for lost sinners and that you are alive evermore. Amen

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