Help us to listen and learn from your word. Thank you for reminding us that you keep your promises. Amen
Getting to know each other:
What is your favourite celebration? What is your favourite party? Why do you like having parties?
Rejoice in the Lord
The love of Jesus
Read your bible
Story: Escape!
Reference: Exodus 12 – 14
Props: Sock puppets
The Lord told Aaron to tell the people to prepare for a farewell party. They were going to leave Egypt. They had been in Eygpt fo r a long time – 400 years! Can you count to four hundred?
Each family was to get a lamb. This was to be a very special lamb. It had to have no cuts or broken bones. It had to have no patches or sore eyes. It had to be a perfect lamb.
Then the people had to kill the lamb and they were to dip a brush in the lamb’s blood. They had to paint the blood on the top of the door of the house and on the sides of the door.
The Lord told Moses that they had to make special food for this party. They had to roast the lamb and season it with bitter herbs. They had to finish all the meat there was to be none left over.
They also had to make bread for the party. The bread was to be made without any yeast. This bread would not rise it would be flat!
The people had to wear very special clothes for this party. Do you like dressing up? They had to be dressed with their belts done tightly. They had to have their shoes strapped on and they had to hold a staff in their hands. Why did they do this? When this party was over they were leaving Egypt!
The Lord said, “On this night, I will send the angel of death through the land and in each house the eldest child will die and the eldest animal will die. Only in the houses where the blood is on the door, I will pass over and the eldest child and the eldest animal will not die.”
The Lord told Moses that this was a party that they were to remember for many years. They were to celebrate this party and tell their children why they had this party. They were to eat special food and wear special clothes so that they would always remember the time in Egypt when the angel of death passed over the house protected by the blood.
That night the angel of death struck down all the eldest children and all the eldest animals in Egypt. Only in the houses protected by blood the eldest children did not die.
Pharaoh called Moses and said, “Take your people and go! Take your herds and go worship the Lord in the desert.”
The people of Israel packed up their things and their food. The Egyptians gave them gold and silver as they packed to go.
The Israelites got as far as the Red Sea. When they got to the Rea Sea, they heard the sound of the Egyptian army coming. The people panicked as the sea was in front of them and the Egyptian army were behind them. The people cried, “ What are we going to do?”
The Lord said to Moses, “Lift your staff over the sea.” As he lifted his staff over the sea, the wind began to blow and the sea opened up. The sea opened up and a dry path was made through the sea. The people cheered and walked through the sea on dry land.
The Egyptian army chased the Israelites into the sea but as the soldiers and horses ran on the path the sea closed and the Egyptian army was drowned. The Israelites cheered and sang songs to the Lord.
1. What were the Israelites celebrating?
2. What did thy have to kill?
3. What did the blood do?
4. What was special about the clothes they wore?
5. What was special about the bread?
6. What did the Egyptians give the Israelites?
7. What did the Lord do to the sea?
Memory verse
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want.
The children are to sit at a table. Each child is given some play dough. The children are encouraged to roll the dough, pat the dough, squeeze the dough, make circles and strips out of dough and to cut shapes out of the dough. This activity develops creativity and fine motor skills.
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