Pharaoh’s dreams
Get to know each other:
What did you dream about last night?
Help us to listen and learn from your word. Thank you for reminding us that you are a faithful God. Amen
Jesus loves me
My God is so big
The love of God
Story: Pharaoh’s dreams
Reference: Genesis 41
Props: Sock puppet
Joseph was sold in Egypt as a slave. God was with Joseph in Egypt and he did well. However he was thrown into prison for something he did not do. But God was with him even there. Joseph trusted in God’s plan for him even though he was in prison. As God was with him, he was soon placed in charge of the prison and the Lord gave him success in all he did.
God then gave him wisdom to interpret the dreams of some fellow prisoners. These dreams came true.
One night the Pharaoh had a dream and he was troubled by his dream so he called all his priests to interpret the dream but no one could tell him what his dream meant. The king’s cupbearer then remembered that Joseph had told him the meaning of his dreams while he was in prison. Joseph’s interpretation of his dreams came true, so Pharaoh sent for Joseph.
Pharaoh asked Joseph to interpret his dreams but Joseph said, “ I am not able to tell you the meaning of your dream, but I will ask God to make the meaning clear.”
Then Pharaoh told Joseph, “I was standing next to the river Nile when there appeared seven fat cows (moo, moo), very fat and they grazed amongst the reeds. Then seven thin cows (moo, moo) appeared and they ate the fat cows all up! Then I woke up.”
Pharaoh also told Joseph, “I had another dream. I also saw seven heads of grain full and good. Then seven thin heads sprouted. The thin heads swallowed up the seven fat heads and it was as if the fat heads never had been.”
Then Joseph said, “The dreams have the same meaning. The seven fat cows are seven good years and the seven heads of grain are seven good years when there will be lots and of food in the land. The thin cows and the thin heads of grain are seven years of severe famine. God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do. There will be seven years of lots of food in the land and then a time of severe famine will come.”
Then Joseph said to the king, “Find a wise man to store food away while there is a time of lots of food and then this food can be used when the time of famine comes and then the country would not be destroyed by the famine.”
This plan seemed good to the Pharaoh so he appointed Joseph to the second highest position in the land because of the wisdom God had given him. He gave Joseph special clothes to wear, a ring to wear on his finger and a gold chain around his neck. He told Joseph, “ I may be king, but without your word no one in Egypt may lift a hand or foot.”
1. What was Joseph sold as in Egypt?
2. Why did he go to prison?
3. Who helped Joseph in prison?
4. What Pharaoh dream about?
5. Who helped Joseph interpret the dreams?
6. Why did Pharaoh make Joseph an important person in Egypt?
7. What did Pharaoh give Joseph?
Memory verse
Our God is an awesome God.
A table is prepared for the activity. The table is covered with newspaper. A piece of A4 paper is placed where each of the children are going to work. The paper must be fastened down with prestic or masking tape. Paint is placed in small pots. The children are to wear aprons. Each child is given ¼ “ paint brush. The children are to paint on the paper. Encourage the children to wipe their brushes off in the pots of paint. This activity encourages fine motor control and creativity.
Other activities:
The children can colour a picture of a cow and or grain while listening to the story.
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