Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Almighty Father, thank You for sending Your son, Jesus to die for us on the cross. Thank You for raising Him from the dead. Help us to remember what we learn about You today and help us to hide Your Word in our hearts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


My God is so Big

Alive, alive my Jesus is alive!


Teach the children that Jesus has sent His Holy Spirit to be with us.

Acts 1:1-11; 2:1-11

Do you remember what we learnt over Easter? Yes, Jesus was nailed to a cross and died there for our sins. But He did not stay dead, no! On the third day after His death, God made Jesus alive again! He rose!!! He appeared to His disciples for forty days after He rose from the dead.

One day, Jesus took His disciples to the top of a hill outside Jerusalem. He told them to stay in the city until God sent them His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit would help them to tell everyone they met about Jesus.

When Jesus finished speaking, He disappeared into a cloud and they could not see Him anymore. He had gone back to heaven to be with God.

The disciples went back to Jerusalem and waited for the Holy Spirit.

Some time later, there was a special holiday called Pentecost, when many people came from other countries to Jerusalem to worship God. The disciples were together in a room praying, when suddenly there was a noise like a great wind and a flame appeared that seemed to touch each person. God’s Holy Spirit had come!!!

The Holy Spirit made them speak in other languages and they were able to tell the people visiting from other countries all about Jesus.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for giving us Your Holy Spirit to help us do the things that please You. In Your name we pray, Amen.